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Virtual Dedicated Servers

Offering an affordable and scalable hosting plan that is quick to setup is Hosting And Designs L.L.C.’s goal. Clients don’t want to pay too much getting more than they need, nor do they want to pay too little resulting in an under-powered hosting plan. There is one hosting solution that specifically addresses this problem and that is virtual dedicated servers.

Virtual dedicated servers are:

  • Very affordable

  • Quick to set up (24 hours or less)

  • Power to cost ratio is excellent

Finding a balance between cost and processing power is a delicate balance. This is certainly obtainable even in today’s highly saturated hosting market. Spreading resources too thin has a definite impact on performance. However, providing too much hardware will be more than the average client needs, thus paying more than the client should as well.


Virtual dedicated servers provide each individual client with their own dedicated resources at very affordable rates. Even though each client or account does not manage the entire dedicated server, they have the exact resources allocated to them. The same resources do not change at any time either. There are no price fluctuations as in some cloud hosting nor is there performance imbalances and degradation.


Setup time is also very quick since the dedicated server is already set up. The server resources need only be assigned to each individual client and bound to that client permanently. Setup time is quick, there is little wait time and clients can begin accessing their virtual private server quickly. Once payment is processed and verified, the Operating System is installed and setup is complete. Operating System installs usually take about an hour.


Finally, the power to cost ratio is very good. Since dedicated servers are not taking up space for each client on the rack, more room is available. More than one client can use the same physical dedicated server but with different hardware configurations assigned to each client. This frees up physical space on a rack, electrical power, and general resources.

Virtual dedicated servers are unfortunately easily overlooked due to the fact that many providers do not offer them. They also do not have the infrastructure to provide this level of cost-per-performance ratio. Cloud hosting can easily overshadow virtual private servers even though very similar services are offered.

Affordable and scalable hosting with quick setup times is Hosting And Designs L.L.C.’s goal. Clients shouldn’t have to pay more than they need to, nor should they end up with an under-powered hosting plan. Virtual dedicated servers specifically address this problem.

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