DDoS stands for Distributed Denial of Service attack. The goal of DDoS attacks on dedicated servers is to render servers and the network unresponsive or at least very slow and sluggish to legitimate requests and visitors. It is a very disruptive attack and can be very hard to stop without the proper DDoS hardware.
DDoS attacks are an ongoing problem for small and medium-sized businesses. This can cause downtime and a huge expense for these businesses to try to protect their websites and keep their businesses online. It is also best to ensure DDoS protection for dedicated servers is up and running before an attack occurs. This can help with determining what is legitimate traffic and what is an attack. This is done by learning traffic patterns, however, it is still possible to setup DDoS protection for dedicated servers when it happens.
The results of an attack are terribly disruptive and result in lost revenue. The attackers simply overload the target server, done by sending large amounts of communication requests. This will inevitably slow or cripple the website. This will inevitably result in damage to a business’s reputation and again, loss of revenue.
Types of DDoS Attacks
We offer Layer 5 and 7 DDoS protection for dedicated servers. We will assign you a DDoS protected IP that you can use instead of the IP assigned to your server as well as the port number you are using.
Several major applications supported:
SSL MMORPG; Minecraft, Lineage II, Kal Online Chat software General websites and PHP sites; HTTP and TCP.
(Please note, camfrog we are not able to provide DDoS services for.)
We help prevent various types of Layer 7 Floods including:
UDP Flood TCP Flood SYN Flood Reflection Flood
TCP SYN Flood Attacks
This type of attack involves “flooding” a certain port. The attacker sends out multiple SYN requests (“synchronize” packets) and is the first thing sent via a TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) connection. The DDoS affect happens when the attacker does not respond with an ACK code. This is what the server is waiting for and the attacker keeps sending SYN requests creating more unopened connections and consuming too many server resources. Packet filtering firewalls can help somewhat by blocking these SYN packet attacks.
UDP Flood Attacks
User Datagram Protocol is used in the Domain Name System, streaming media, voice-over-IP and online games. UDP flood attacks involve attacking a specific IP address with a large number of UDP packets. This forces the dedicated server to keep listening on these random ports, seeing that no application listens at that port and having to reply with an unreachable packet; ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) each time. This will overburden the site with sending these requests. In addition, not being able to handle legitimate requests. The attacker can also spoof their IP address.
There are instances where there may appear to be a DDoS attack, however, in many cases, this is simply due to a large spike in traffic. Not every time the dedicated server or network slows down does it mean an attack is occurring. Reasons for this can be as simple as a link from a very popular website linking to your site and sending a flood of visitors.
In conclusion, there are unfortunately many ways for anyone to obtain DDoS “software” and attack virtually anyone. However, this can also be a useful tool for a server administrator in determining your own DDoS defenses. Obviously, this would need to be tested on a very low traffic day or a test server to determine how your defenses hold up against a DDoS attack that you instigate. How quickly did it work and were legitimate connections being denied? It is advisable that all dedicated server administrators test their defenses so they know what to expect, how it can be handled and the steps involved.
Our services available here: http://www.hostinganddesigns.com